Regional Jobs Fair - Success or Hectic

This past week, a few thousand people lined up in the Biltmore Mall. They were waiting to get in for the job fair. It wasn't just Asheville residents that flocked to the mall, citizens from all over WNC came. Somewhere around 2,000 showed up. There were possibly 1,200 job positions open. There is a 10% unemployment rate in North Carolina, and the population of Western North Carolina that falls under this umbrella were the ones who showed up... and looking at it statistically, almost every unemployed worker showed up. People from Waynesville, Asheville, Macon, Jackson, Madison, Swain, and more all showed up. "Its no longer really about location for these people, its about where they can find work... if they can find it." They were all ages, shapes and sizes, and most of them were eager to make a good impression on their future bosses. People in Haywood already travel outside county lines for jobs, approximately 15%.

But is a regional job fair really the way to do it? It seemed almost apocalyptic. People rushing around... desperate to support their families.

The job market is very specific anyway. Lots of niches can't be filled by just anyone. Those who are already specific in their trade or skill could probably benefit more by Google and Craigslist. The jobs that are open, are usually advertised. Its really not that hard to google something in your area and see if there is a company you can contact. Craigslist is much easier, as you can just look in the job section. However, if you are brave, you can try cold calling. This works great with Googling corporations and businesses in your area. Even though they might be staffed, calling a business and showing your potential and eagerness is the best way to get on the 'waiting list'. Heck, there's a good chance you won't be forgotten by the boss the next time he needs to post an ad.

Personal contact is a key in finding a job. In a job fair, the booth owners aren't going to remember your face more than the next 1,999 people that walk by. Is this really the best way to get in contact with workers? Is this really the best way to find jobs?

Looking at job hiring through the manager's or owner's standpoint is a good way to think about it. You have to stand out and make an impression. Does a crowded job fair really do this?

Hopefully people can start becoming more deft in the job field and take advantages of the work that is available under their noses.

1 comment:

jasmin rio said...

Advertising jobs online is both beneficial for jobseekers and employers. I have to agree that the job market is very specific anyway. Lots of niches can't be filled by just anyone.

jobs manila

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