Internet Blackout - Supporting Online Job Creation

The Internet blackout we all experienced yesterday was a final push towards getting our government to stop two big bills that would 'break' our internet. SOPA and PIPA have essentially been killed by the enormous revolt the internet community has taken against the legislation. As of two days ago, there were only 5 senators that were publicly against PIPA. PIPA is a bill relating to IP address control that was being pushed in the Senate. After yesterday's upheaval, there are 35 Senators that are publicly going against this legislation. It just takes 41 votes against this bill. SOPA, the house of representatives partner bill to PIPA has essentially been shelved.

How did this happen? Well, it got to the point where the public simply didn't know enough about these bills. Google, Wikipedia, Reddit, and many other popular online websites blacked their sites out in protest. For sites like Reddit, I can hardly see this doing much good, as all and any Redditors were bound to have seen posts about SOPA and PIPA on the front pages for months. Wikipedia might have had the biggest impact out of all of them. Every single Wiki page was blacked out after a half a second of loading time. "Imagine a world without free knowledge" was written across a black layer and there were links to contact your congressmen and representatives. Most anti-SOPA and anti-PIPA enthusiasts were disappointed with Google's half hearted attempt. They simply added a blackout doodle to their home page. If Google would have blacked out every search result, I can guarantee you thousands of frustrated people would have emailed and called their congressmen. We were all hoping for such an epic upheaval by Google, and were, of course, disappointed.

But, you should be asking yourself, how does this relate to Jobs? Well, the internet has long been the last open 'frontier', if you will, for the free market. There are thousand of people who are self employed because of their internet success. The entrepreneur opportunities the internet can offer are so great that many people are implementing product ideas on e-commerce stores instead of a mainstream storefront. The startup cost is less and the risk as far, far less.

Not to mention, both legislation is extremely unconstitutional and morally wrong.

Another note on the geeky side, if the government was allowed to censor the web, online security would collapse. The way the government would go about censoring the web would lead to open gaps and loopholes that hackers could easily exploit. It would, essentially, 'break' the internet.

On a final note, the man who wrote up this bill, U.S. Congressman Lamar Smith is actually violating the legislation he is trying to pass. That's right folks, Lamar doesn't even know what type of legislation he is passing. He saw $94 million in lobbying money and probably didn't think twice. How exactly is he violating this? His website is using a background that is under a common creative licensee which means he is required to give credit to the photographer in his website. Which he doesn't. He is actually using copyrighted material illegally on his own website that is supporting an Anti-Piracy law.

$94 million from companies that want to be able to sue you for singing along to karaoke and putting it on YouTube. Justin Bieber could face 5 years in prison because of music videos he made when he was 10. In face, under this laws, people like Justin Bieber could have never become who they are. Not that I would miss not having Bieber around, but in all seriousness, he would have been a nobody his whole life.

Save e-commerce, entrepreneurship, and the free market and call your Representatives!

The ANTI SOPA argument that appeared on The Oatmeal here

Having A Plan For Your Home Business

Have you ever wanted to have a home business? When jobs are short in the public workforce, starting your own business, or working from home can be the best way to go. Of course, it doesn't matter if you live in Asheville and are looking for Asheville Jobs. When you have a home business you are in charge.

Having a home business can be a great way to earn an income if you know how to set up your business correctly. You can be your own boss and set your hours, according to your specific needs. It is important to research the many factors that can help you to be successful.

Don't fail just because you are impatient. You know your business can be successful because the general public needs your products and services. Don't get discouraged by a not too successful introductory period. Stick to your plan and adjust it to the always changing market. Don't forget: it takes several years to build a successful business.

You should know the product you are selling. Study it, inside and out, before you try to sell it. You may also want to test the product out so you know what it does. This way you will be able to describe it to your customers in a knowledgeable way.

Make sure that you're giving your customers more than they expect, and this goes for any type of business you're operating. If you're selling brownies out of your home kitchen, throw in a couple extra. If you're selling eBooks at a web store, give one away for every one that you sell. It's just good business.

Order professional-grade business cards and other paper goods that you can use in your business. A home business should go the extra mile to impress the client and make them feel comfortable using you. Professional business cards, order or quote sheets, letterhead and other types of stationery will show that you have made a serious investment in your business.

Base your business on something in which you already have experience. Too many people trying to start a home business think that they can simply learn as they go. While this is definitely possible, you will be much more successful if you have solid expertise in the area that you choose. Figure out what your personal strengths are, and build your business on what you know best.

A great tip for your home business is to make sure that no matter what it is that you purchase in relation to your home business that you save the receipts for it. If you ever are audited, it will make the entire process much easier if you have receipts to back up your claims.

Get a business checking account. You can keep your business and home money in the same account, but come tax time you are going to have a difficult time separating one from the other. Get a business account and you will be more organized as well as ready for tax-time.

Before you choose a business, think about all the aspects you will have to handle. Perhaps you have experience or are interested in one aspect of this business only. Think about hiring someone to help you with a certain stage of the production if you believe this would be necessary.

You should do everything in your power to separate your personal and professional budgets. Although it may seem like it is all coming from the same source, it will help to avoid problems in the future, as well as, help you to see exactly how much you are spending per month on your business.

As you can see, by thoroughly researching and planning a home business, you can have a profitable business, run right from your own home office. Take the first steps by following these guidelines and begin charting your business course to victory. You can make your home business dreams a reality.

Carolina Pig Polish - Local Product from Asheville

Carolina Pig Polish, if that doesn't sound like country living, I don't know what does. Its a barbecue sauce / finishing sauce that's made with good 'ol country ingredients like molasses and special spices.

Robin Starrs didn't set out to be an entrepreneur or a specialty sauce creator. In fact, he was in the telecommunications niche for twenty seven years until he retired and started pursuing his hobby in tasty sauces. He was delighted to develop his tinkered sauces into a business. After taking courses in food business, he was able to learn how to market, package, and distribute products in the culinary industry. He was able to hit the market in September with his "Pig Polish".

He has since been modifying his ingredients so that there are no preservatives / chemicals in his sauces, and the ingredients are natural and fresh.

Its not just meant for barbecue, its great on almost every kind of meat as well as beans, shrimp, and roasts.

If you would like to support Mr Starr's hobby-turned business, you can email him at

The products are also available at Rickman Store Franklin, Chop Shop Butchery in Asheville, and Country Traditions located in Dillsboro.

24 Once Bottles go for a very reasonable price of $7.99 and twelve Once bottles are only $4.99.

Regional Jobs Fair - Success or Hectic

This past week, a few thousand people lined up in the Biltmore Mall. They were waiting to get in for the job fair. It wasn't just Asheville residents that flocked to the mall, citizens from all over WNC came. Somewhere around 2,000 showed up. There were possibly 1,200 job positions open. There is a 10% unemployment rate in North Carolina, and the population of Western North Carolina that falls under this umbrella were the ones who showed up... and looking at it statistically, almost every unemployed worker showed up. People from Waynesville, Asheville, Macon, Jackson, Madison, Swain, and more all showed up. "Its no longer really about location for these people, its about where they can find work... if they can find it." They were all ages, shapes and sizes, and most of them were eager to make a good impression on their future bosses. People in Haywood already travel outside county lines for jobs, approximately 15%.

But is a regional job fair really the way to do it? It seemed almost apocalyptic. People rushing around... desperate to support their families.

The job market is very specific anyway. Lots of niches can't be filled by just anyone. Those who are already specific in their trade or skill could probably benefit more by Google and Craigslist. The jobs that are open, are usually advertised. Its really not that hard to google something in your area and see if there is a company you can contact. Craigslist is much easier, as you can just look in the job section. However, if you are brave, you can try cold calling. This works great with Googling corporations and businesses in your area. Even though they might be staffed, calling a business and showing your potential and eagerness is the best way to get on the 'waiting list'. Heck, there's a good chance you won't be forgotten by the boss the next time he needs to post an ad.

Personal contact is a key in finding a job. In a job fair, the booth owners aren't going to remember your face more than the next 1,999 people that walk by. Is this really the best way to get in contact with workers? Is this really the best way to find jobs?

Looking at job hiring through the manager's or owner's standpoint is a good way to think about it. You have to stand out and make an impression. Does a crowded job fair really do this?

Hopefully people can start becoming more deft in the job field and take advantages of the work that is available under their noses.