Asheville's New U.S. Cellular Center

Well, its now official. Asheville's Civic Center has now been re-named, as of the 31st it is the U.S. Cellular Center. Yesterday, (30th) U.S. Cellular still had the highest bid for the soon-to-be-renamed center. The Center, if you are not aware, had its naming rights up for sale in an effort to finance the growing expenses. This issue was extremely controversial although six of the seven Council members voted to approve the new sponsorship.

What is U.S. Cellular getting out of this deal? Well, besides bold signs on the actual building, they will get a nice billboards and signs that face Interstate 240. Signs also face a few other streets. But the name recognition they will get from logos and "U.S. Cellular Center" printed on all advertising and event locations is possibly the most valuable. Staff clothing, event space inside the building, and product promotional space are even more bonuses of having a name right on the Center.

However, it was no cheap venture for U.S. Cellular. They paid, well are offering, $810,000 and possibly a total of $1.35 if the deal is extended past their five year offer. However, U.S. clearly are experienced with name licensee buying as they own three other name licenses on Centers similar to the previous Asheville Civic Center.

Now, for a little more information on the Civic Center and the controversy. It was finished in 1974 and mostly funded by the taxpayers from the town of Asheville NC. Therefore, many people want to keep corporate titles off of the building. "It started as a public Center and should stay that way".Is this really a good idea? Some people argue against this, saying that the Center is old, and the only way to keep it current is to get funding. The 1974 center is in need of repairs and maintenance that the city has a hard time financing. Progress towards renovation is important for the Center and even as people complain of corporatism, they will hopefully be able to enjoy a future Center that is in a restored condition.

We want to hear your opinion. Post what you think in the comment box... its currently auto approve.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

seems like they are going to take the money and use it for advertising... why not update the infrastructure and fix the shitty food and bathrooms. I don't go to the civic center because its really really outdated and how they expect regular not-jacked people hang out in there for 10 hours at xmas jam with shitty hot dogs nachos and expensive beer is baffling.

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