Available Government Jobs

Are we really pulling out of a recession? Well, many people realize that we would have been in a full blown depression if it hadn't been for some of the stimulus the Government was pretty much forced to do. Ballets are highly unpopular to some people, but they have done good for some workers.

Right now, the more the Government spends and the more they get involved into our personal lives (sorry Libertarians) the more people have to be involved in the actual government. Hopefully it will never get to the point of Greece where every single citizen works for the government (and never have to engage in free market economics or initiative and self motivation) but the more the government does, the more it has to hire. Yes, the government is providing more government jobs than just about anything (as far as job creation goes). Most government employees are very pleased with the benefits they get, as well as the salary. Now the questions is if Asheville is hiring.

If you are unemployed or looking for a new job, government jobs are probably available. Unlike most job, government jobs aren't listed in the classified ads or posted all over free papers, and you certainly won't find them on a cork board in your favorite coffee shop. The internet, as usual, can provide. If you are looking for a government job you can run a free search of all the open jobs in your area. You can specify salary etcetera. Visit Government Jobs Information here if you think that you, friend, or family member would be interested.

There is no pressure (obviously) and its very easy. The first thing to do is to enter your name and email address. It is no-spam compliant, and you won't get any annoying messages (trust me, I did this myself last month). Then your location so you can find local opportunities.

Visit the Government Job Opportunities website.

Asheville's New U.S. Cellular Center

Well, its now official. Asheville's Civic Center has now been re-named, as of the 31st it is the U.S. Cellular Center. Yesterday, (30th) U.S. Cellular still had the highest bid for the soon-to-be-renamed center. The Center, if you are not aware, had its naming rights up for sale in an effort to finance the growing expenses. This issue was extremely controversial although six of the seven Council members voted to approve the new sponsorship.

What is U.S. Cellular getting out of this deal? Well, besides bold signs on the actual building, they will get a nice billboards and signs that face Interstate 240. Signs also face a few other streets. But the name recognition they will get from logos and "U.S. Cellular Center" printed on all advertising and event locations is possibly the most valuable. Staff clothing, event space inside the building, and product promotional space are even more bonuses of having a name right on the Center.

However, it was no cheap venture for U.S. Cellular. They paid, well are offering, $810,000 and possibly a total of $1.35 if the deal is extended past their five year offer. However, U.S. clearly are experienced with name licensee buying as they own three other name licenses on Centers similar to the previous Asheville Civic Center.

Now, for a little more information on the Civic Center and the controversy. It was finished in 1974 and mostly funded by the taxpayers from the town of Asheville NC. Therefore, many people want to keep corporate titles off of the building. "It started as a public Center and should stay that way".Is this really a good idea? Some people argue against this, saying that the Center is old, and the only way to keep it current is to get funding. The 1974 center is in need of repairs and maintenance that the city has a hard time financing. Progress towards renovation is important for the Center and even as people complain of corporatism, they will hopefully be able to enjoy a future Center that is in a restored condition.

We want to hear your opinion. Post what you think in the comment box... its currently auto approve.

Save the Economy with a Four Day Work Week

Its not hard to tell we are heading deeper into a nation wide shortage of work. While we might be able to stimulate the economy, its certainly not guaranteed. So most American are going to have (or already have) been forced to look more realistically at their futures in the job field. Many people are being forced to once again downgrade to smaller cars and houses and conserve their food and household items budget even further. But here's a concept you probably haven't heard yet.

We may be saved by shifting to a four-day week.
 The gap of jobs that are needed and the jobs the economy is producing is widening, no doubt about it. Its pretty ominous, and national unemployment is still barely under 10%. The actual "official" unemployment rate is probably double that. There have been specialists analyzing that about 6 million jobs alone were lost in the last recession wave.

So back to our four day week. Its clearly devastating to think of the growing number of Americans losing jobs, but this should actually be giving an incentive for Americans to work harder. If Americans are able to work together and push for a four-day week, the extra days they give up can greatly increase the amount of extra needed work. This would force businesses and companies to hire more people to cover the gap of workers. By needing to bridge this gape, we could create 25% more jobs. For every one hundred people that switched or were forced to switch, 25 new jobs would be created.

This would mean a sacrifice on the workers and might mean a little more paperwork and checks for the managers / owners, but would it be worth it?

Its not really as 'out there' as it might sound. There are several ways that families could solve the problems that would be associated with a shorter work week.

For wages, productivity can be increased, as it has by almost 70% in the past twenty five years. If only 2% of this was given to workers, there would be a whole lot compounded over years and years. This could make a '99%' job up to $50,000.

With a shorter week there is also less gas wasted transporting and commuting to work. So less money goes into filling up your car as well as repairing it.

Anyway around it, the recession / depression should have instilled a trending mindset towards less consumption and more recycling, conservative, and humble lifestyles.

However this change to a shorter week would take somewhere around twenty to twenty five years to in-act. By that time, many people would assume our economy would be in better shape. Don't. There is a good change it won't, so unless your prepared to move to Switzerland, I wouldn't get your hopes up. The way the political elections are going, we're more likely to elect someone into office who has the least amount of gossip against him/her than the one who is most likely to help our situation.

Asheville Job Rate Boosted

Statistics show that Asheville's 'jobless' rate has jumped down from 8.4 to 7.9, a full half a percentage. The significance of this is obvious, Buncombe County has been hiring. This can mostly be accredited to new Teaching jobs as well as manufacturing job openings. Asheville is hoping that this can be a sign of a turning economy.

This is inclusive of the whole Asheville district, that is made up by Buncombe, Haywood, Madison and Henderson counties. They recently ranked (in North Carolina state’s) second-lowest unemployment rate which was 8.1 percent, trailing only back from the Durham-Chapel and Hill metropolitan area at 7.7 percent. North Carolina at a whole is at a 10% unemployment rite.

This unemployment rate has been decreasing in 92 of the one hundred counties in North Carolina, proving that jobs are opening up. Asheville nc gained 500 manufacturing jobs this month. With the addition of Tourism, seven hundred new tourism related jobs have been made in the past year. However, this is only complimenting the huge government job cuts that have been happening. Government jobs and education positions have been cut, laying off over a thousand people.

Hopefully this is one of the few signs that the government is actually trying to provide help to those who are unemployed or have recently been laid off.

Obama's Job Bill for Asheville

While the economy is clearly still suffering, Asheville is making an effort to push bills and laws into place that will have an impact on Asheville's jobs. President Obama spoke to an audience of more than 2,000 people at the regional Airport.
If they’re serious about creating jobs, I’m ready to go,” said Obama. “I don’t think anybody doubts that I have gone out of my way to find areas of cooperation with these Republicans. In fact, some of you have been mad at me for trying too hard to cooperate with them, haven’t you?
So what is the president trying to pass?
His plan, the president said, would put teachers, construction workers, public safety employees and others back to work “right now” — a phrase he touched on repeatedly.

Among others in the on-watching crowd was a construction worker. He's been hit by the recession and unemployed for almost a full year.
This is what the country needs.” said Anderson “The people in Washington fight with each other all the time. They never think about what’s good for the people. What’s good for working people. They don’t know how tough it is for a lot of folks out here
Obama voiced that his Republican contemporaries were fine with letting Wall Street run wild. Instead of satisfying his party, Obama claims he simply wants to uplift the middle class workers who have suffered the most from the lack of employment.
One of Obama's proposals is to upgrade the local Asheville Airport where he is giving his speech. This will help planes have plenty of room as they taxi, take off, and land. He claims that if Asheville is serious about installing new jobs, he will be ready to go.
I don’t think anybody doubts that I have gone out of my way to find areas of cooperation with these Republicans. In fact, some of you have been mad at me for trying too hard to cooperate with them, haven’t you?
However, time is running out and as jobs still aren't visibly turning around, Obama is going to face a serious problem getting re-elected. While most people attending his speech believe he is fighting hard to bring more jobs into Asheville, they believe he is going to have a hard time keeping his office.

Welcome to Asheville Jobs

Welcome to Asheville Jobs. This website is dedicated to posting and listing jobs for Asheville NC in Western North Carolina. Asheville is located in the beautiful Mountains near the Blue Ridge Parkway. It is the largest city in Western North Carolina and is one of the largest cities in all of North Carolina, ranking at 11th in the most recent census.

Among other noteworthy aspects, Asheville has been name "Beer City" three times in a row. It is also an extremely supportive of music and live bands. It has also been voted and awarded - "Top 50 places to live" in America and "Top 25 Arts Destinations". People have even called it one of the happiest places to live.