Obama's Job Bill for Asheville

While the economy is clearly still suffering, Asheville is making an effort to push bills and laws into place that will have an impact on Asheville's jobs. President Obama spoke to an audience of more than 2,000 people at the regional Airport.
If they’re serious about creating jobs, I’m ready to go,” said Obama. “I don’t think anybody doubts that I have gone out of my way to find areas of cooperation with these Republicans. In fact, some of you have been mad at me for trying too hard to cooperate with them, haven’t you?
So what is the president trying to pass?
His plan, the president said, would put teachers, construction workers, public safety employees and others back to work “right now” — a phrase he touched on repeatedly.

Among others in the on-watching crowd was a construction worker. He's been hit by the recession and unemployed for almost a full year.
This is what the country needs.” said Anderson “The people in Washington fight with each other all the time. They never think about what’s good for the people. What’s good for working people. They don’t know how tough it is for a lot of folks out here
Obama voiced that his Republican contemporaries were fine with letting Wall Street run wild. Instead of satisfying his party, Obama claims he simply wants to uplift the middle class workers who have suffered the most from the lack of employment.
One of Obama's proposals is to upgrade the local Asheville Airport where he is giving his speech. This will help planes have plenty of room as they taxi, take off, and land. He claims that if Asheville is serious about installing new jobs, he will be ready to go.
I don’t think anybody doubts that I have gone out of my way to find areas of cooperation with these Republicans. In fact, some of you have been mad at me for trying too hard to cooperate with them, haven’t you?
However, time is running out and as jobs still aren't visibly turning around, Obama is going to face a serious problem getting re-elected. While most people attending his speech believe he is fighting hard to bring more jobs into Asheville, they believe he is going to have a hard time keeping his office.

Welcome to Asheville Jobs

Welcome to Asheville Jobs. This website is dedicated to posting and listing jobs for Asheville NC in Western North Carolina. Asheville is located in the beautiful Mountains near the Blue Ridge Parkway. It is the largest city in Western North Carolina and is one of the largest cities in all of North Carolina, ranking at 11th in the most recent census.

Among other noteworthy aspects, Asheville has been name "Beer City" three times in a row. It is also an extremely supportive of music and live bands. It has also been voted and awarded - "Top 50 places to live" in America and "Top 25 Arts Destinations". People have even called it one of the happiest places to live.